There is a growing number of students who study abroad for a semester, for a year, or even during the entire time they are earning their degree. The dangers and potential troubles that occur in these countries is also growing, creating the need for a heightened level of travel security for students who study abroad. Violence, kidnapping, terrorism, and even travel emergencies all contribute to the need for a well-thought-out travel security plan that is both easy to follow and use, as well as efficient, effective and in many cases life-saving.
The FoneTrac travel security app for students studying abroad addresses all of these potential risks and dangers and is one of a kind because it offers real-time access to a 24 hour manned facility of travel security experts; real people to assist the student, including on-the-ground travel security support.
The FoneTrac app is user friendly and serves as an invaluable resource to students should they come upon some trouble. The app works fluidly with Android, iPhone, Windows, and Blackberry platforms and can even be used on notepads, tablets and laptop computers, allowing students to stay in contact worldwide. And let’s face it, today’s digital students demand a security app when they travel!
Innovative Employee Travel Security
FoneTrac is an innovative travel security app for students studying abroad. More and more universities with overseas study programs are getting on board with the travel security app for students studying abroad. Students worldwide are able to study abroad with peace of mind knowing they have a travel security plan they can rely on. The travel security app also allows for students to communicate with their families in the event of natural disasters, emergencies, or for many other travel security and safety issues.
Features and Benefits of the Travel Security App for Students Studying Abroad
- Compatible with iPhone, Android, Windows and Blackberry phones, and can be used on notepads, tablets and laptop computers
- Fully featured travel security app
- Access to realtime travel security information
- Real people “standing by” to help 24/7
Reasons why the FoneTrac Travel Security App for Students Studying Abroad is the Best Way to Ensure Travel Security and Student Safety
- First and foremost, any student studying overseas needs to be able to access security resources 24/7. FoneTrac gives students access to up-to-date information as well as the ability to access state-of-the art travel security services. Real people are there at the press of a button to help.
- Second, Universities all over the globe use the FoneTrac travel security app to stay in touch with students and reassure parents and families of security issues.
- Third, students studying abroad (or just traveling for pleasure) need a travel security app that provides more than just the basic “free apps” that only email relatives or pull down outdated information.
- Fourth, FoneTrac can be used to push information to the student alerting them to changing conditions at their location and providing information from travel security experts on steps to take to stay safe.