Business travel has become an increasing part of many employees’ job descriptions. Companies are manufacturing their products abroad and they are sending more employees to these countries to oversee the work. But employee travel safety has become more of a concern in the foreign countries they are sent to work in. Violence, kidnapping, terrorism, and even travel emergencies all contribute to the need for a well-thought-out employee travel security plan.
The FoneTrac employee travel security app is unique in that it offers real-time access to a US-based 24-hour manned facility of security experts; real people to assist the traveler, including on-the-ground security support.
The FoneTrac app is user friendly and serves as an invaluable resource to employees should they come upon some trouble. The app works fluidly with both the Android and iPhone platforms, and allows users to stay in contact worldwide.
Innovative Employee Travel Security
FoneTrac is an innovative employee travel security app for individual travelers as well as employees or study abroad students. Many business professionals who frequently travel abroad use the travel app (and its related services) to stay safe across the globe.
Features and Benefits
- Compatible with both iPhone and Android
- Fully featured travel security app
- Access to real time travel security information
- US-based team standing by to help 24/7
Example Uses of FoneTrac Travel Security App
- First and foremost, any company with employees overseas needs to track and be in touch with them, and the employees need to be able to access security resources. Open and transparent to the employee, FoneTrac gives them access to up-to-date information as well as the ability to access state-of-the art travel security services. Real people are there at the press of a button to help.
- Second, study abroad students face many of the same challenges, and universities use FoneTrac to stay in touch with students and reassure parents and families of security issues.
- Third, business travelers welcome a new travel security app that is more comprehensive than the free apps that only email relatives or offer up outdated information.